Charitable Gift Annuities

This is a wonderful way to make a gift to Temple Israel and receive a guaranteed income stream during these uncertain economic times.   Whether you manage your own funds, or a close relative’s, this investment may be for you.  You need not be a T.I. member to participate.

Consider establishing a charitable gift annuity  to:

  • Provide regular, fixed payments that offer you income for your lifetime
  • Name up to two income beneficiaries (I.E. a husband and wife)
  • Transfer cash or marketable securities in exchange for a guaranteed income
  • Realize rates that are higher than CD’s and money market accounts
  • Take an immediate Charitable income tax deduction
  • Receive a portion of each payment tax-free
  • Enjoy favorable capital gains treatment, if funded with appreciated securities

Sample rate chart for 1 life annuity:

Age Rate
65 5.3%
70 5.8%
75 6.5%
80 7.5%
85 8.4%
90+ 9.8%

Please contact Howard Schreiber for more information about a charitable gift annuity; 201-236-8744,

Please contact the synagogue office if you have any suggestions regarding donations, or support of any kind that you may offer.