
Robert Smolen Bio

Posted on October 5, 2021


Stephanie Gottesman Bio

Posted on October 5, 2021

Posted on September 13, 2021


USY BBQ & MORE! Sunday, June 6th

Posted on May 13, 2021

https://www.synagogue.org/events/flipper-usy-in-person-outside/usy-june-6-2021-bbq/ END OF YEAR BARBECUE >SPORTS AND KARAOKE! Ridgewood, NJ.   USY has last event of the year, Sunday June 6th, 5:30-7:30 p.m. in Temple Israel, Ridgewood, parking lot. BBQ, sports, Karaoke and good times.  All 8-12 grades are welcome.  Flipper members are free.  All others $5. RSVP to Marcia at edudirector@jccparamus.org or to 201-815-8136.  Vegetarian and gluten Continue Reading »

Members At Home – A Photo Collage

Posted on December 4, 2020

  Dear Member,                                                                                                          Continue Reading »