Temple Israel & JCC

Temple Israel & JCC of Ridgewood is an egalitarian Conservative congregation that offers multiple pathways into the Jewish experience, as well as a variety of cultural, social and educational programs, for those who wish to participate in an evolving and vibrant Jewish community in Northern New Jersey.

Regardless of your worship preference, you will find fellowship, enrichment, support and spirituality. We are dedicated to providing a joyful, meaning-filled experience through multiple, diverse gateways to Jewish life and practice.

We embrace all levels of Jewish observance and affiliation; interfaith relationships; and LGBT families and individuals.

We are affiliated with the United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism (USCJ).

Coming Up

Many photos provided by Jo Rosen Photography

Service Times

  • Friday, Kabbalat Shabbat — 7:00 pm
  • Saturday, Shabbat — 9:00 am, beginning with “Muffins & Mishnah” with Rabbi Fine
  • Sunday, Minyan — 9:00 am (when religious school is in session)

Explore Temple Israel

Explore our website and get to know our community.

Learning Opportunities

We offer a wealth of learning opportunities for everyone from tots to seniors.

Join our congregation to enjoy all the opportunities we offer.

Your support will help us provide for our programming.